Pukeko Room (2-6 years old)

The children in the Pukeko room enjoy a large outdoor area where they discover and follow their interests, make friends and use their imaginations.

The Centre’s position beside a pond, pirate island, waterfall and bush provide many opportunities to watch nature through the seasons and our children learn to respect and come to appreciate the natural environment.

Our 4-6-year-old children have the opportunity to be involved in group activities, school visits and trips, preparing them for the future challenges and encouraging leadership skills, co-operation and a sense of belonging.

Parents/whānau are encouraged to share their child’s learning journey and to join in with activities and special events throughout the year. You know your child best, so we value your input to support your child in our learning environment. We endeavour to build strong relationships with parents and whānau.

Each year we also have a special camp over for our 4-year olds before they go off to school. They get to help out putting the tent up, setting up beds, enjoying a BBQ , playing lots of fun games and venturing out on a walk together.

Pukeko Room Teachers

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